
Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Full and Grateful Heart

You know what happens when I get writer's block?  It's God's way of saying...


Today I have a full and grateful heart because...

I have the best family in the world.  I have a coworker who wants to have another baby but is having a hard time.  She said she's worried her only child will grow up and be alone because they don't have a sibling.  I told her not to worry - I like the family I chose WAY better than the one to which I was born.  God has a way of working those things out.

My new old job.  I really do love working here and I'm so fortunate that I was patient and waited for the right opportunity.  (Okay let's face it - that was all His doing.  If I had my way I would have taken the first job offered - no other jobs were offered.  God does not work in mysterious ways.)

Benefits that will allow me to return to a dermatologist.  51 year old women should not be worried about breaking out.  While all my friends are spending a fortune on products to moisturize and return their skin to it's youthful glow, I'm shopping in the teen aisle using products with salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide and going through oil blotters like they were toilet paper.  At least the teen stuff is cheaper.

A renewed commitment and determination to get healthy.  This time is different.  Jenny is good but I'm still hungry.  Mostly in the morning between breakfast and lunch and definitely at night.  I go to bed hungry every night.  And you know what?  I don't give a rat's ass.  Maybe I should let myself be hungry from time to time.  Maybe I should drink more water.  The whole "eating unconsciously in front of the TV or at your desk while you're working" thing didn't work.  Personally, I think it's all in my head.  I'll get past it.  Shit, I quit smoking AND drinking...I'm fucking invincible!

Community College.  The university life was not right for my oldest child.  He was fairly miserable for the whole year and flunked out of his second semester.  Now he's at the local community college and, so far, he likes it and is excited about the year.  Who knew?

Student Loans.  Did I mention he was there on his own dime?

My yoga room (studio?).  It's so calming and relaxing in that space.  I still need some curtains for the french doors (so I can't see the dog staring at me woefully because I won't let him in) but overall it's exactly as it should be and I love it.

My granddaughter making the VARSITY CHEERLEADING SQUAD in her new high school.  Did I mention she's a rising FRESHMAN?  Yeah...that kid rocks.  And so does her mom...she coached her.

My other granddaughter's birthday on Sunday.  Love you sweetie.

And while I'm on the subject, my silly grandson who plays Draw Something with me on the iPad but instead of drawing, he just writes out the word.  No room for guessing but damn if it doesn't make me smile every single time.  I hope he either never learns to play the game correctly or he pretends he can't just for Grandma Sherry.

My idea for Christmas this year.  We are doing a "Karma Christmas" at our house.  Instead of buying gifts we're donating to charities in the name of the gift recipient.  And at our annual Christmas Craft Day party, we'll be stuffing stockings for the Salvation Army instead of spreading glue and glitter all over my house.  (Well...okay...maybe a little glue and glitter.)

The blogosphere.  I love it here.



  1. What a wonderful post! I think you and I are long lost sisters...we have the same skin. Exactly. Yes, salacylic is my most sought after beauty product. And I eat unconsciously unless I really work at being concious. I had no idea you have grandkids...let alone highschools aged grandkids!
    I think the community college route is so wise in so many ways. Its tough to go from family surrounding you to living on your own with huge academic expectations and new people all around and lots of money going out. It's overwhelming! So glad I read here today! Bless your heart.

  2. Great post Sherry, That's two gratitude lists I've read this morning. The first one came with a challenge for readers to write their own. I take this as a "divine message" and will write one later.
    Hunger pains, I've gotten so used to those, I don't think of it as pain anymore. I call them "shrinking feelings" ie, that's the feeling that you have to feel whilst your body is eating/burning/using fat, and now I enjoy them because I know what they signify (well, in my mind anyway).
    I am going to make a determined effort to find "blessings in the mundane" today . . . and write on it later, thanks for confirming the "divine message" ;-) Love as always x


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