
Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm Just Rambling

I am so sorry "y'all", as they say here in the South. ("they" not "me" which explains my overuse of quotes this morning) I am really backed up on reading blogs.  Don't be surprised if you find a comment or a "like" (there I go again) by me on something you wrote last week.  I'm not ignoring, things have just been bat-shit crazy this a good way.

Closing in on two weeks on the Whole 30.  So far so good. I'll update more on Sunday but my cravings have mostly gone away and...dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnn...sometimes I forget to eat!  Because I'm not hungry?  What WHAT?  Alert the media!  This is EPIC! 

I'm in desperate need of a date night with the hubs.  Just some time to touch base.  But it has to be cheap.  And we have to be able to talk.  Scratch the movies cause you can't talk and scratch cheap restaurants cause they're aren't conducive to long intimate conversations and you're left with....I have no idea but I'll figure something out.  I'd suggest a ride but that would trigger a bitching session about gas.  Walking?  Not in this frickin' weather.  Back porch?  All the rain we've had this year means...mosquitos.  Sigh...

I want to take a day trip to the beach.  Load everyone in the cars and just drive to the shore.  We could leave at like 6:00 am.  Spend the day and then leave at 6:00 pm to come home.  It's about 4 hours to the beach (which KILLS me) but it's do-able.  I need to see the ocean.  I'd also have to find something to do with the dogs or someone to check in on them a couple of times during the day.'s never simple.

Maybe I'll just get in the myself...and go to the beach. 

HA!  Now THAT's funny.

"Y'all" have a wonderful weekend!


Heard this on the way to work this morning.  You know how much I love P!nk.  And this one just hits home on so many levels for so many of us.  Warning...P!nk is...well...P!nk.

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