
Friday, May 18, 2012

Gratitude Whether I Like It or Not

So I'm still a little grumpy but I'm definitely in a better place than I was yesterday. 

In spite of my carb withdrawal yesterday and a pretty crappy work day, the evening turned out much better.  #2 son sang a beautiful solo in his spring concert and made me cry. #3 son hit a home run with two on in his baseball game. #1 son actually attended his brother's concert and had a good time.  Thus proving, unequivocally, that God only gives you as much as you can handle.

So, to keep today from getting ugly, I decided that it was time for a gratitude post.

Today (and everyday) I am grateful for...
  • My sobriety.
  • My children.  I'm so proud of the humans they are.  All of them make me happy every day I breathe.
  • My faith...I pray everyday to do God's will and that the Holy Spirit fills me and helps me cope with life on life's terms.  I'm sure God comes through every day - I just don't always shut up and listen long enough to hear Him.  I'll keep practicing though.
  • My husband - who supports and loves me no matter how crazy I get or how many names I call him in my head.  He gets me.
  • That I'm through the physical part of the detox (I think).  Now all that's left is the emotional addiction which I know is worse.  I also know I'm stronger than any candy bar any day.
  • My friends who are dear and precious and I don't know what or who I would be without them.  I only know that I do not want to try.
  • A home that I like more and more every day.  I'm not all the way in love but maybe, if I keep working at it, I will be some day.  I do know how lucky and priviledged I am to have it and I never take it for granted.
  • Pandora Radio - love, love, love to be able to choose my music based on my mood.  This week has been P!nk Radio - I'm sure you can figure out why.  Last week it was hymns...I'm a complicated woman.
  • Clean sheets and freshly vacuumed floors. 
  • Pink roses - I haven't had any in a while.  I need to remedy that today.
  • Choral concerts, Senior League baseball games, school plays, proms, college issues, computer programs, and children who kiss and hug and express love freely, unconditionally and without reservation - all of which tell me that we've done a good job.
  • A heart that is, after all the bullshit I've put it through, capable of bursting with love and pride just because it's a new day and the sun is shining or because someone smiled at me or because I got a hug.  Please Lord never let me lose that.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy. ~ Buddha


  1. Yea, baby....Never ever let the loons see you sweat!!!

    1. I take it you got the hint . . . point Number Ten on the list ;-)

  2. Great.. good work! Love the gratitude post. I love pink roses too .. especially tiny little ones. Take care xxx

  3. Hi Sherry,
    I know he's perfect and all that . . . but sometimes they need an extra nudge!
    Is this Pandora radio on-line? I've never heard of it, but it sounds like a fab idea. My moods also range from hymns to Pearl Jam. Love your list, Take care x

  4. A nice list!

    Alex had a ROUGH week at work. He stopped by and picked up his 22 year old soberiety chip on the same day. I am grateful he did that...

  5. Hi. I am new to this and looking for others who have problems with alcohol. I created a blog:

    I would appreciate a follow and feel free to share the url with others. Thank you

    1. I just tried to check out your blog . . . and for some reason it's not publicly available? Just wondered if you are aware of this.

    2. Everything looks okay on my end. I haven't posted since this one. I'll post something tomorrow and test it out. Thanks!


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