
Monday, December 9, 2013

Blah Day

Okay people, Susie Sunshine here is having a blah day...and it's only 10:00 am.  Blah meaning not a particularly good mood coupled with a rumbly tummy and a headache that's been plaguing me for weeks.  Blech.

The weather here is crap.  Just cold rain.  No snow which always cheers me (as long as it melts as fast as it falls).  And yes, I know it could be worse, I have family and friends fighting ice and snow right now which is never a good thing.  Snow yes.  Ice?  Not so much. 

No sunshine which I NEED to combat the blahs. 

No challenging work in which I can sink my teeth (this is our slow season). 

My men are going through exams in school and so are not particularly cheerful and the hubs is not his normal self and I'm not sure why (maybe he's feeling BLAH also).

Add to that the fact that we're hemorrhaging cash because of Christmas (even though I've made and am sticking to a strict budget - it still feels like a lot of money) and the fact that I can't get into any kind of exercise lately (and I really miss it) and you've got the perfect storm.

A serious, no holds barred, case of the BLAHS.

But I'll snap out of it.  One of my men called and invited me to lunch today.  Yay.  My Starbucks Christmas Blend is particularly good this morning (only 12 more stars till I reach Gold level - I have no idea what this means).  The rest of the week at work is packed with holiday themed events - eight hours of volunteer work tomorrow and lunch and a pedicure with my coworkers on Wednesday. Then there's next week and after that -  I'm off for two entire weeks!

And really, when I stop whining long enough to "be still" and look around I realize what an incredibly blessed woman I am. 

As I was praying this morning I was thanking The Big Guy for the fact that I have a nice roof over my head and three meals a day which makes me richer than about 60% of the entire world's population (or something like that).  That is a huge hairy deal when you think about it. 

Add to that a good job with people I love that pays me well; a family that is filled with love and caring; and a husband who still thinks this old woman is hot - he is also old and therefore likely a little blind but I'm okay with that ;-) and you've got a multitude of blessings that should never be taken for granted.

Even on the BLAH days.



  1. And yet, when I have to pause and remind myself vigorously about my blessings and advantages- it means something is 'off', 'out-of-kilter'- and this is permitted. There's nothing I can find anywhere that says being upbeat 100% of the time is required. In fact, I find whining is sometimes therapeutic. So feel free to be a BLAH and you feel!

    1. You are 100% correct. Thanks for reminding me of that!


  2. Blah must be in the air today. Glad to know I'm not alone and that this, too, shall pass :)

  3. will pass. In a couple of days I'll be here writing some upbeat, get on your last nerve happy post that will make everyone want to barf.


  4. This:

    " There's nothing I can find anywhere that says being upbeat 100% of the time is required"

    So true! Tomorrow is another day!

  5. And it's the weather and the Redskins trauncing yesterday that pushed this turd into the punchbowl....Cheer up baby....there may not be an axiom that says you have to be cheery all the time, but you don't have to dwell in the house of blah either....Gotta get a remedy for that head ache and stop tryin' to wish it way....Love you baby...see ya later at the bus.

  6. See ya later at the cute! You've got someone who loves you waiting with a warm car running at the bus? How great is that?! I'm formulating a blog post about antidepressants and life with out and the changes I'm seeing and I was hoping that YOU in particular would read it. I so relate to a lot of this....I just took a 2000 a month pay cut by not working at nights anymore and I'm willing to let it all unfold to see what the solution will be, but blah would be a good description of how I'm feeling while I wait it out. Lol thanks for sharing your humanness with us. It makes it safe to share ours you know. It's a gift you are giving us.

  7. I get ya, Sherry. Been blah too. Who knows...

    I like what hubby said there - who said you had to be bubbly and cheery all the time? We're human, with our ups and downs and such. Gratitude will give ya a huff to the head and get us out of our little blahs. I do my thanking every night, even when I am a grumpy SOB and don't feel like it. I think of all those who would kill to be where I am at. And even when I love to complain, I can't really. Ok, I will because it feels But really, what you said is true...this will pass.

    Blessings and namaste,

  8. Ha, and she comes full circle - talked your self right out of that blahness Id say! We've had a run of sunshine days, frigid well below zero temps, but glorious sunshine; for that I'M grateful and have been incredibly aware of how crucial sunshine is as we embark upon these seemingly never-ending winter days. . . a day at a time, a place to vent, share, and process some of these feelings, and well make er!!

  9. Gold level means you've just drunk too much Starbucks that is good for you!


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